GROW YOUR OWN IN LANCASHIRE by Malcolm Greenhalgh, £12.99
ISBN 978-1-874181934

THE Lancashire lad Malcolm Greenhalgh has compiled an accessible, realistic and friendly seed to mouth guide to growing your own in the rainy North West.

Bolton born, but Preston grown, the author has produced an easy-to-follow instructional which is both beautifully presented and bursting full of essential information, tips and even recipe ideas.

Inspired by his semi-professional gardener grandfather 'long before the days of TV chefs and haute cuisine', Malcolm's passion for growing shines through from beginning to end, and it's infectious.

A sure fire way to make grow your own converts of us all, Malcolm sets out his reasons to do so; the food is as fresh as it can be, it is educational, keeps you fit, is the real organic and it is sociable.

Whether you have a small, medium or 'lucky' garden, there are pointers to growing success for everyone.