500 Years of Music, The King`s Men, Cambridge, St George`s Church, Kendal

St George's was the venue for a sparkling, humorous and varied concert given by seven superb singers and a dexterous organist.

A large and very appreciative audience filled the church and for this we have to give credit to not only the reputation of these wonderful musicians but also the skilled organisation which went into the event.

These young men from the prestigious King`s Choir have music oozing out of them, having been brought up in the choral tradition either in cathedral, parish church or good school choirs, and their evident enjoyment of singing in many various venues as a team as well as soloists shows through. We were given seamless phrasing, perfect intonation, and magical harmonic progressions, especially in the lighter items.

Fascinating arrangements of well known folk, show, cabaret songs and spirituals were preceded by early music from the Renaissance and Tudor period.

The organ scholar, Tom Etheridge, delighted us with a Bach Chorale Prelude and Hornpipe Humoresque by Rawsthorne, giving us a chance to hear the fine organ that St George`s has, and to provide a rest for the singers and change of texture for the listeners.

Their presentation skills were very entertaining as well as informative and the music took us through many different emotions.

Margaret Pattinson