A LAKELAND village community will come together to celebrate its Lancashire roots with a night of entertainment.

Coniston and District Twinning Association will celebrate its historic county by holding a Lancashire Day Supper at Coniston Institute on November 30.

Ulverston Town Crier will also read the Lancashire Day Proclamation and propose a loyal toast and singing group The Saggy Bottom Girls will perform.

Supper will be a traditional hot pot, apple pie and Lancashire cheese.

For tickets, contact Jackie Coe on 015394-41654.

Meanwhile, the association hopes to attend a Festival of The Italian Lakes in May 2013, selling Coniston-made products to a potential 50,000 visitorsm, its Italian twin town Solto Collina.

A spokesman for the association explained: “We are working with SLDC and Cumbria Tourism for what is a rather big logistical challenge for such a small village but one we felt we needed to attempt, recognising the benefits that could be gained for this Lakeland area.

“The event in Italy has operated for three years and attracts around 50,000 visitors over the three days and looks very similar to the Ulverston Dickensian Festival.”