A VIGIL to mark the third anniversary of Fukushima will be held at Heysham Nuclear Power station on Sunday (8).

People will also be at the event to express concerns about how they believe climate change - and associated sea level rises and storm surges - will affect the power station and where nuclear waste is stored on site.

Mo Kelly, a local architect, will be taking levels to demonstrate how high sea levels may be in 2100.

She will show how high a 5 metre storm surge would be, making reference to the 18 metre high waves we have recently seen overcoming the sea defences, damaging property and destroying railway lines on the south coast this winter.

She added: "When storms occurred this winter, we visited the power station, and were horrified to see that waves within Morecambe Bay were flooding the promenade that runs beside the 1.220mm high flood defence wall on the perimeter of the power station.

"As responsible citizens, we must ask these questions. What will happen when sea levels rise, and there are storms, causing sea surges and waves that may breach or overcome the concrete flood defence wall ?"

Gisela Renolds, of Lancaster said: "People are concerned about how flooding will affect Heysham Nuclear power stations, and would like to know how they are preparing for climate change-induced sea level rises and storm surges. We want the operators of Heysham nuclear power stations to tell us 1.) How are they preparing for climate change-induced sea level rises and storm surges? 2.) How we can we be sure that flooding will not cause nuclear waste leaks and 3.) How can the nuclear power stations continue producing waste if there are no safe solutions for long-term storage?"