It’s not long since I celebrated my wedding anniversary, and over the next few days I will celebrate my birthday – 21 again!

There are many celebrations that form part of the rhythm of not only family life but also the whole community.

Christians have many celebrations too – there are all sorts of feasts and festivals and special events throughout the year.

It’s not surprising really – given that Jesus came to bring us Good News, and he was often out in company at meals and parties and celebrations.

One of the biggest Christian festivals is, of course, Christmas – which has also become a special time for many people who aren’t Christian.

But how we feel after Christmas can differ depending on what we believe it is we’ve just celebrated.

For some of us, after the pre-Christmas rush and busy-ness of Black Friday and Panic Saturday things go quiet in January.

We’ve actually just had Blue Monday – when the bills for the telephone, gas, electricity and credit card all arrive, and we’ve not yet booked our summer holiday to look forward to. In these dark days it’s easy to forget the festivities of just a few weeks ago.

But for others, they can look to the joyous message of Christmas – that God stepped into our space and time as Jesus Christ, so that we might know more of God, and know that God loves us – and that’s something to celebrate not just at Christmas, but all through the year.

The Rev David Stretton

Methodist Minister in Arnside, Storth, Milnthorpe and Levens