Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has long said that in his early years family life was “chaotic,” but recently he discovered that the man he thought of as his father was not his biological father.

I was privileged to grow up in a loving family and had no knowledge of this “chaos” but I know that this is not everyone’s experience. Whether it be father, mother, siblings or ourselves at fault, family life can be difficult, painful or even impossible for some.

No family is perfect because being comprised of humans they come with all the frailty of being human. Sometimes people can be unreliable, selfish, thoughtless - the list could go on. Each of these faults can be brought in to family life, the very place where we should be able to find love and protection.

If only our family members would be consistent, selfless and love us for who we are!

Jesus wants us to call God “Abba” or Dad, and God is consistent and selfless and loves us for who we are. Regardless of whether our relationship with other family members is good, bad or non-existent, God is a perfect father.

After Jesus was raised from the dead, he met with Mary Magdalene and told her, “I am going to my God and your God, to my Father and your Father.”

Could God be a perfect heavenly Father for you? Why not ask him?

John Thompson

United Benefice of Staveley, Ings and Kentmere