DREAMCATCHER : Alex Hossack and Catherine Aubrey interpret your dreams

Today’s Dream from Amy:

I was being framed by the police for something I was certain I hadn't done. They came to arrest me and said someone in the local area had been pouring Golden Syrup on cats!

They said the person responsible had been specifically targeting long haired cats because it was especially difficult to get the Golden Syrup out of their fur.

I was totally baffled about what was happening and protested my innocence but the police took me away in handcuffs. At first I wasn't too worried because I assumed it was a mistake that would soon be sorted out.

But the police kept telling me they had evidence I had done it and it was a serious criminal offence I would have to appear in court for.

I kept telling everyone I hadn't done it and my partner and family were being really supportive. But the longer the police interrogated me the more I started to doubt myself, and I started thinking that maybe I had done it sleepwalking or in some kind of fugue state.

I started to feel guilty that everyone was sticking up for me and it might be a lie. I was debating whether or not to confess that it was me after all when I woke up.

Dream Analysis and Basis for Interpretation:

The dreamer is currently feeling trapped and anxious about something which she believes may become public and for which she feels responsible.

This is represented by feeling ‘framed’ and symbolically ‘caught out’ by the police.

She is attempting to convince herself that it will go away ie: she is innocent.

However, the golden syrup poured over cats, suggests symbolically that she is embroiled in a messy situation and one from which, in reality it is difficult to extract herself.

She knows she has to face it. Her hands are tied, symbolised by handcuffs and she can’t escape from this situation.

She has tried not to take responsibility for the issue and initially was not too anxious about it, however she has more recently realised that the part she has played may soon be uncovered.

This is represented by her arrest and potential appearance in the public space of a court, a place where truth is revealed and consequences occur.

She has tried to convince herself repeatedly that she has nothing to reproach herself about ie: she kept telling everyone that she is not responsible and has managed to achieve a level of denial and associated comfort as a result, symbolised by supportive family and friends.

However, feelings of guilt have filtered through. She continues to try to convince herself that she is not wholly responsible, symbolised by sleepwalking or the fugue state and is disorientated by the repetitive conflict she feels between her acceptance and denial of responsibility.

She currently remains in a state of internal conflict, having tried to repeatedly sublimate feelings relating to acceptance or denial of responsibility for something that she regards as serious.

The dream is her subconscious challenging the validity of her beliefs. This is a ‘serious’ matter which she needs to resolve.

This is a relatively complicated dream and we would welcome feedback about the interpretation from the dreamer. This can be sent to ACDreamcatchers@mail.com.

Interestingly, we have found it is not always possible to interpret your own dream, probably because it often represents the sublimation of feelings or thoughts that we are trying to avoid in our waking lives. However, with a little assistance from the dream interpreter, the symbols and themes can start to make sense and help us to move forward.

If you are interested in having a particular dream analysed, please send us an account of your dream to the following email address: ACDreamcatchers@mail.com

We only have space to interpret one dream a week which will be selected from those received. Please refer to the guidance provided to describe your dream as this will enable us to provide a full interpretation.

Guidance for the Dreamer:

  • Record your dream in writing as soon as you wake up with as much detail as possible.
  •    First of all ask yourself who is in the dream.
  •    Where are you, what is happening to you and what is happening around you?
  • Record how you are feeling about what you and/or others are doing.
  • Are there particular symbols or objects in the dream that are unusual?
  •    Are there any sounds and is the dream in colour or black and white?
  • Are you watching yourself in the dream or are you experiencing it first-hand ie: through your own eyes.