DO YOU believe in miracles? Who would believe the dead can rise and walk again or even that today people with an illness, e.g. cancer, can be healed miraculously?

We are constantly struck by the beauty of Cumbria and the joy it brings to see the rich variety of God’s creation all around. It’s spring time and new life can be seen everywhere. At Easter we are reminded that Jesus conquered death and even today offers us new life. Two thousand years ago people were challenged by Jesus. Some were convinced that he was the way to new life. Others felt threatened. The authorities thought that after his arrest and crucifixion they were rid of Him. But how wrong they were.

Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to hundreds of people. He even made a barbecue on the beach! Many many people bore witness to the fact that he was alive.

Today we have the same choice that those witnesses had 2,000 years ago. To believe in Jesus or to reject him. At St Mary’s Church, Allithwaite, we have seen the difference it has made in the lives of those who have come to believe; ordinary folk like you and me. And we’ve seen miraculous healing! A clergyman, Brian, was diagnosed with lung cancer. Three months later the consultant declared him cancer free. We’ll never forget the Sunday morning he stood on the chancel steps and told us he was healed. What a joyful sight it was to see him and his wife go dancing down the aisle.

Alan Jones

St Mary’s Church, Allithwaite