Name: Linda Turner

Company name: Langdale Hotel & Spa

Length of time in role: 12 months as hotel manager and 20 years with the company

Number of employees: 230

What was your first job: My first job was as a waitress at my local Beefeater restaurant. I worked at weekends while studying at college. Working with a large team I enjoyed the interaction with customers.


What personal skills do you need in your current role? Excellent communication is key to everything! I need to be well organised, efficient and lead and inspire the staff that work with me. There is always a need to be able to multi-task. Interpersonal skills are important as is been able to work as part of a team and under pressure.

What is your best business memory? New year’s eve of the millennium has to be one of my best memories. We had a wonderful gala dinner, fireworks and danced the nights away. On new year’s day we walked our guests up to Stickle Tarn at the Langdale Pikes and released hundreds of balloons.

What is your worst business memory? My worst business memory has to be the weekend of the Cumbrian floods in December 2015. On a 35 acre site with 600 guests we were cut off completely. I had to deal with all the guests that were due to leave but was unable to because of the flooding. We had to contact all our guests due to arrive and advise them not to travel.