A VISION for the growth in Cumbria's rural and visitor economies over the next five years has been published.

Cumbria's Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has published the sector priorities, which aim to ensure market growth in areas such as the food and drink sector and tourism excellence in outdoor activities, events, festivals, attractions and accommodation.

Rural economy growth priorities include; maintaining and enhancing the special qualities of Cumbria’s rural areas, capitalising on rural strengths, exploiting the Cumbrian brand, adding value to under-exploited rural resources, deepening existing rural supply chains/clusters, building a location for future businesses and exploiting major new project opportunities for local rural supply chains.

And visitor growth priorities include; growing Cumbria's international visitor numbers, enhancing Cumbria’s adventure pursuits, cultural and heritage offer, capitalising on opportunities from business tourism, continued investment in and promotion of existing attractions, accommodation and infrastructure and improving access to digital information and the ability to get around Cumbria.

Cumbria LEP board member Nigel Wilkinson said: “Cumbria’s visitor economy is already thriving, but it has even greater potential for growth. The plan identifies ways to extend the ‘adventure’ experience, support events, enhance attractions and experiences linked to food, drink and culture, influence access into Cumbria and travel within the county, and maximise the benefits from emerging digital opportunities.

“While the plan has a focus on new opportunities, it also recognises the importance of continued investment in, and promotion of, existing attractions, accommodation and infrastructure, as well as maximising the potential of the Lake District, now designated as Cumbria’s second World Heritage Site."

He added that an important thread running through the growth plan was the need to fully exploit the potential of new technologies in attracting residents, businesses and visitors alike.

“The Rural and Visitor Economy Growth Plan is very much a ‘live’ document which we will review in consultation with our partners and in the context of the changing economic environment," he said.

For further information about the Rural and Visitor Economy Growth Plan, please visit https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/5vWWBiMXb0qtR