BBC presenter Keeley Donovan was put through her paces the University of Cumbria's head of medical and sports sciences.

Donovan was at the university's Ambleside campus for BBC's Autumn Diaries, discussing the hidden dangers of hill walking in a feature about whether hikers push themselves too far or not.

During the programme, Tim Barry put the presenter through a variety of courses, and measured her heart rate which increased by a third, and her oxygen intake which also increased significantly.

"Walking is great for you, it’s a great exercise and it helps prevent heart disease," said Mr Barry. "But people must be careful that they don’t go straight out and head up the nearest slope; start slow, build it up gradually.”

The programme went on to focus on the role of mountain rescue teams in looking after walkers who may have over exerted while on the fells.

“It was great to be invited to be involved and help raise awareness of this important issue,” added Mr Barry.