SPRING is in the air in Cumbria. We’re so lucky to be blessed with some of the most stunning scenery in the country and spring is a wonderful time to enjoy it.

As well as taking in those sublime seasonal scents, such as freshly cut grass and blossoming flowers, now is the time to make sure you’re enjoying the sweet smell of success when it comes to your marketing campaigns.

But what does success smell like? Well, there are a number of different key performance indicators (KPIs) you can measure.

The most important is the return on investment (ROI). This is an essential KPI because not only does it determine a campaign’s effectiveness, it also measures the quality of the leads that have been generated. To determine ROI, look at the cost of a campaign (£1,000, for example) and how much business it generated (perhaps £3,000) – this gives you an ROI of £2,000. You should also measure the cost per sale and cost per lead.

In terms of online KPIs, website analytics are vital. You should be monitoring your page views (including channels and titles), sessions, conversion rates, bounce rates and referrals (including social referrals). Measuring your growth in organic website traffic each month is also important.

Social media analytics are another essential aspect. But be sure to focus on engagement rather than simply reach (just because you’re ‘reaching’ someone via a follow-back from them doesn’t mean they’re actively engaging with your brand).

Closely measuring your campaign success by focusing on a selection of key performance indicators is one of the best ways to spring clean your marketing efforts.