We are once again looking this week at the differing ways in which marketing budgets can be spent . . .

To advertise or not to advertise?

Done properly and consistently, advertising requires a significant budget. This isn’t just because of the production costs for designing a campaign, but mainly because you have to buy multiple inserts into a magazine, newspaper or other media source. If you’re lucky enough to have a target market that is small and tightly knit, it may be a good idea but otherwise we would advise very careful planning before spending anything on glossy advertisements.


Get to know your local papers or industry magazines if you believe your potential clients will read them. Then write a story and send it to your journalist list. You never know what they may be researching and it is often a free way of getting a mention in the press. I firmly believe there is much kudos attached to an editorial piece. If you do something unusual ie, raise money for charity, take on an apprentice or celebrate a 100th birthday, try and keep local publications in touch with what you’re doing. If you’re having an event, why not invite local journalists along?

Networking Attending industry and business events and ensuring you are doing everything you can to maximise word of mouth referrals to your business is a great way to increase your customer base. Assist other businesses by passing something to them and they will try and do the same for you. Local businesses also use local facilities to entertain and look after their own clients and visitors. Get to know them and build up a relationship.

Email marketing

Build a database and use it! If you’re a restaurant, hotel, B&B or just about any business involved in tourism, you will have repeat customers. Regular email marketing is a great way to keep in touch and make them offers, in order to boost your business.

Do it - do it now. It works!

  • Jo Spencer heads up the Lake District branch of GAP PR and Marketing Ltd with colleague Polly Winder. Together, they help local businesses decide on the right marketing strategy for them – www.gapgb.com