What is Media Relations?

The practice of media relations involves working with various media outlets to inform the public about a company’s news and policies in a positive, consistent and credible manner.

This means communicating directly with those responsible for producing news and features in the mass media.

It is common to refer to media relations and public relations in the same breath, but they are different. Media relations refers to the relationship a company builds with journalists, while public relations extends that relationship beyond the media to the general public.

So, why is it important?

The objective of media relations is to maximise positive coverage in the mass media without paying for it directly through advertising, so essentially, (apart from your time) it is free!

It is also a much more powerful method to communicate your products and services, with so much more kudos attached to a piece of editorial than an advert.

How difficult is it?

Media Relations can be a dark art!

Dealing with the media presents challenges in that the media cannot be controlled. They have power over whether stories presented to them are of interest to their audience.

Therefore, developing a fruitful and ongoing relationship between your company and journalists and keeping them regularly updated is crucial.

Next week, we will be looking at how to undertake media relations as part of your marketing activity.

  • Jo Spencer heads up the Lake District branch of GAP PR and Marketing Ltd with colleague Polly Winder. Together, they help local businesses decide on the right marketing strategy for them – www.gapgb.com