RESIDENTS are being invited to discuss how this year’s Appleby Horse Fair went.

Cumbria County Council is holding a special meeting of the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Forum on July 18, 7-9pm at the Public Hall, Appleby.


The chair of the fair’s multi-agency strategic coordinating group (MASCG), and chief executive of Eden District Council, Robin Hooper and the police will give feedback on how the 2016 fair went.

The meeting, chaired by Appleby county councillor Martin Stephenson, gives local people the opportunity to highlight what went well and to identify any issues and how these could be addressed in the future.

It will also be an opportunity to hear about the operational planning regarding the fair directly from the coordinating group and ask questions or raise concerns.

Councillor Stephenson said: “We’ll be discussing a range of issues relating to the fair including policing, traffic management so I’d encourage residents to come along and make suggestions for the planning process for next year.”