I would like to clarify the information given in your report on November 5 of the recent Ambleside Campus Community Liaison Group meeting.

It is true some Stoney Lane residents objected to elements of the tree planting plan for the new student accommodation. It is not true this was because the trees would have blocked the views of the fells as stated in the report.

Any views of the Loughrigg fells that Stoney Lane residents may currently have will be totally obliterated by the new buildings - buildings which probably breach more than a dozen of the National Park's own planning policies let alone breaching the National Planning Policy Framework.

The residents' objections were purely on the grounds that some of the trees specified were wholly inappropriate for the setting in which they were to be planted or that they were far too close to our boundaries; other more suitable trees have been suggested by residents but thus far no formal feedback has been received.

Turning to the wider question of 'consultation' on the proposed cycle route it is interesting the university say they will consult. I wrote to the university Registrar in April of this year asking if we would be consulted about the various planning conditions imposed on the university to protect our local area, two of which concern the cycle track and tree planting.

His reply was that "the University is not required to consult on its applications to discharge conditions" and it refused my request to do so.

I then asked the national park authority if they would consult with us and they agreed. However, the extent of their 'consultation' was to simply write to a few selected local residents telling them that a planning application had been submitted. There was no 'consultation' on any reasonable interpretation of the word.

It is to be hoped that both the university and LDNPA have learned it more beneficial to enter into meaningful consultations with local residents early on than to ignore in advance any potential constructive suggestions they may have to offer.

Harry Manning
