I attended the Lambing Service at St John’s Garsdale - the first of its kind held there - which was conducted by Rev A. McMullon.

A well-attended service was joined by some young lambs in this idyllic church.

Their bleating at times almost drowned out some of the robust hymn singing!

The vicar had skillfully adapted the Hymn ‘All things bright and beautiful’ to carry a unique verse to reflect the occasion.

The short service was brought to a climax when the children in the congregation were invited to come forward and feed the lambs with prepared bottle milk.

Lambs tails were wriggling with pleasure of the milk, while we left the church to enjoy refreshments in the Village Hall -and what refreshments!

My recommendations to readers is to make a note in diaries to join in the same celebratory April service in 2015.

There was a retiring collection for the agricultural charity RABI.

David Evans
