I HAVE fond memories of fun-filled holidays from school. When I was growing up my family was lucky to be able to go away for two weeks, usually to Wales or even to the Lake District.

Of course the sun always shone and the sea was always warm!

Our world today is a busy place. We can work 24/7. Email and the internet means we never are out of touch or out of the office. Our cities always seem to be busy places even through the night.

We are fortunate to live in a more rural area where life can be slower, but the demands on us can mean that we join the rat race without even thinking.

As the school and college term gets under way, as the days shorten and the holiday season nears its end we can still benefit from rest and time for stillness.

The word ‘holiday’ is based on the words ‘holy’ and ‘day’, as ‘holidays’ originally represented the celebration of religious days.

It’s very likely that God loves the fact that we choose to celebrate by ‘taking a break’ or having special time together with friends or family. Even time on our own away from the busy-ness of life.

For me that is a time when I can get in touch with God and just be in His presence. I hope all of us can find time in our lives just to ‘be’ - after all, we are made as human beings.

The Rev Canon Ruth Crossley

Priest in charge Levens Parish