Better public transport call Where does the 20's Plenty group get its figure for £90,000-£150,000 for implementations? They do not name a source! (Letters, July 9, '20mph speed limits needed').

More especially they refer to whether the town council adopts the proposal. The town council cannot 'adopt it'. We do not have that power.

All we can do is make a recommendation from democratic results of the public survey to Cumbria County Council, who, I understand, do not have funds to implement it - and the police do not have the manpower to enforce it).

The 20s Plenty group always mentions 'walking' (I'm surprised they don't also mention cycling!). Not everyone is physically capable of these activities.

I would be interested to know how many of the 20s Plenty Group are actually 'working motorists' within Kendal - and I don't just mean driving to/from work, I mean having to get between jobs, driving between assignments in the town during the day.

The answer to Kendal's traffic congestion and emission pollution is more and better public transport.

The reply I get to the decimation of our bus services over the last 15 years or so is always that the buses are not used. Rubbish - try getting the last 44 service to Hallgarth, boy is it used!

The reason some buses are not used is because the timetables are 'unusable'. You can get a bus to work, but try getting home again after 5.30pm, and that's if you are in the town centre.

You have to drive (Sorry 20's Plenty - not everyone can walk!) I agree totally with Martin Wise (Letters, July 9, 'There is no speed problem'). We need to get a grip - roads are for cars, not kids who should be taught, as they used to be at school, to respect roads. They are not playgrounds.

Cllr Paul Bramham

Kendal town councillor, Underley Ward