A photograph in the Gazette (November 15, 'More than 1,000 sign trade deal petition') shows Westmorland and Lonsdale MP Tim Farron accepting a large petition on the dangers of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, the proposed trade deal between the EU and the USA, from the local STOP TTIP Campaign.

He has also previously received other petitions with thousands of signatures collected against this treaty. Mr Farron has been very generous with his time listening to campaigners lobby him over this issue.

However, he has hardly budged in his support for the Treaty and in his refusal to accept the potential dangers to the NHS and other public services, and to the generally much higher European standards of regulation on food and the environment.

He has moved a little in expressing some concern about the infamous Investor-State Dispute Settlement clause setting up unaccountable tribunals, which could overrule national courts on behalf of multinational companies if their future profits are threatened by any government action. Even the European Commission has retreated somewhat on this issue, and will try to push through a modified version.

I would urge readers to see what the wide range of organisations opposing the Treaty are saying, including about the even more advanced trade deal between the EU and Canada (CETA). You can check the websites of STOP TTIP South Lakes, 38 Degrees, Oxfam, War on Want, Global Justice Now, Green Party, and Labour Party MEPs and then consider adding your voice to ours and let Tim Farron know your thoughts on these treaties.

Dave Cope
