As a temporary resident of Kendal, I was delighted to read Julie Patten's letter 'Cause for accidents' (November 5) about records of road traffic accidents in the town from 2013 to 2015.

I was disappointed, however, that she did not mention the most noticeable trait of Kendal's drivers - that is, their sheer ignorance and bad manners.

I thought Grantham drivers were bad, but those in your town knock them into a cocked hat. Here's a short list of some of the bad manners of Kendal drivers, which appear to be the norm rather than the exception.


* barge from one lane into another without notice and assume that you'll let them in;

* go round roundabouts in the wrong lane; l are very slow to let other drivers out of side-roads; and

* don't use headlights in poor visibility (which Kendal has in spades!).

I think the most appalling characteristic of Kendal drivers, however, is they get their vehicles from some local dealership which sells cars with no indicators. Indicators? Oh, sorry: for those of you who don't know, let me explain.

In cars which have been bought from reputable dealerships, there's a stick-shaped object (usually) behind the car's steering wheel which, when pushed or pulled, makes an orange light on the back and front of said car blink.

Depending upon which side of the car this blinking light is on, it informs other drivers of the direction in which you are intending to go.

This is particularly useful on roundabouts, where knowing whether someone is turning off before they get to you, allows you to pull out without having to wait for them to manoeuvre or to pull out without being T-boned. It is also helpful when you're pulling out from the side of the road.

The above is hardly rocket science, but seems to be beyond the wit of many people in Kendal. One wonders how so many of these drivers of indicator-less cars managed to pass their tests.

David Feld
