WE recently had the situation where you could only buy three Iceberg lettuces at a time and broccoli was rationed too, also thanks to bad weather in Southern Europe.

What occurs to me, as it often does, is that we should go back to eating food in season. How I remember looking forward to June and the first English strawberries and later on lovely, sweet, home-grown tomatoes.

Now we have got used to having every vegetable and fruit we could possibly want on the shelves all year round. A glance at the labels, particularly this time of year, will tell a sorry tale about the huge distances the items have travelled.

We have natural growing seasons and the resulting crops are at their very best and always taste better than those shipped in from far away.

In fact, the more local the produce the better, for both the farmer and the customer, so no I’m not shedding tears over the current supply hiccup.

It’s winter for heaven’s sake. Who wants tasteless lettuce, when there are plenty of local carrots, turnips, cabbage, sprouts etc?

Louise Bours

North West UKIP MEP
