I READ, with some alarm, the report about a six-month trial period to relocate disabled parking bays in Kendal (Gazette, December 7, 'Parking bays move agreed').

I am a disabled driver with decreasing mobility and have lived in Kendal for the past 30 plus years. Originally we had access to free parking in the multi-storey car park. This was withdrawn and if we wanted free parking we were reduced to parking either in the market square or the top of Finkle Street - a total of seven spaces in all which, bearing in mind the size of Kendal and surrounding areas, is not over generous.

I disagree totally with Cllr Peter Thornton who claims 'this is not a trade-off between the rights of disabled parkers and the market.' How can a 'dual purpose use' for both disabled drivers and delivery vans possibly work?

Just consider for a moment - what is the likely percentage of commercial vehicles compared to disabled drivers? Exactly!

As far as this proposed change assisting disabled drivers to visit the market is concerned, personally, if I want to visit the market I pay to park in the multi-storey.

It's extremely disappointing that only three of the 10 disability groups bothered replying to the council's invitation to comment. I do hope that they will now, having read the article, pick up the challenge.

I shall be writing to the council in any case but I would be interested to know exactly how disabled drivers will be contacted regarding commenting during the six month trial.

Audrey P. Munday
