All the snow seems to have disappeared for now and the frost has done its worst.

We have wall gaps all over the farm. The frost gets into the stones and causes damage, resulting in gaps. As if we haven’t enough to do at the moment with feeding all the sheep and the cows we also need to repair walls.

The gaps need to be filled in as soon as possible because we need the fields secure for when all the sheep to come down off the fell for lambing. We don’t start lambing until the end of March but the ewes will come down into the meadows and pastures for scanning.

We put all the singles on the higher land and the twins and triplets come nearer home. They need to be watched a bit more as they are more liable to get twin lamb disease, a condition that causes them to collapse and eventually die if it is not discovered quicklt enough. If we find it, we give them a dose of multi-vitamins and rehydrating solution.