A geology module at Bradford University introduced me to Shap granite (Letters, November 19, 'Aspiring to be a dull man'). Since then wherever I go, I notice it.

Students were sent out on a tour of the city to identify various types of stone incorporated in city architecture. There was an abundance of Shap granite, especially surrounding illustrious entrances to the head offices of former textile mills. There are also pillars of it at the entrance to a Methodist church in Morecambe.

On a recent history walk the granite was pointed out and I wanted to shout "Yes, Shap!"

There is also an abundance of beautiful pink Shap granite in pebbles on the Morecambe foreshore.

Unable to be a member of the Dull Men's Club, do these observations entitle me to found the Dull Women's Club?

Patsy J. Mellor
