The Windermere Lake User Forum represents the views of a small, but vociferous, minority of lake users (Gazette, July 7, ‘Double lake speed limit plea’).

I have been a regular user of Windermere for more than 40 years. During this time I have introduced a large number of mostly young people to the activities of sailing, kayaking and canoeing, many of whom are still engaged in those pursuits.

These activities hardly impinged on other lake users. The same cannot be said for water-skiing. All the arguments relating to the imposition of the 10mph and 6mph speed limits were carefully considered by the Inspector appointed by government to adjudicate on the issue. This report took a very balanced and judicial view of the situation.

The findings were unequivocal. High-speed boating on Windermere was not, and is not, compatible with the purposes of a National Park, with the safety and well-being of other lake users and with the conservation of wildlife in the Windermere environment.

As I remember it cost a great deal of money to produce this report. The present attempt of the WLUF to put the clock back should be resisted by all those with a concern for Windermere.

The numbers of visitors to the Lake District has now increased to 16 million a year. The vast majority come to see the lakes and mountains. For those who want adventure on the water, the Irish Sea has a lot more space than Windermere!

Jack Parker
