I write to ask whether any of your readers can tell of other places in Cumbria whose Breathing Spaces are, or have been, under threat of being developed by an infill of houses?

A Breathing Space, as I understand it, is an open, park-like area with public access for people of all ages to enjoy quiet walking and sitting out in the fresh air within easy reach of their homes. London is full of them!

Arnside is a case in point.


There is only one such possible space left in our village on the Kent estuary. We have had much infilling development in the last half century. Up until the latter part of the 1900s it had been a private school cricket field. It had been left in a trust for the village, but now in private hands.

There is to be a consultation plan for building on it on show at the AONB office on June 19. The last effort was defeated. It will be opposed again.

It is approached by a narrow, dangerous lane that has seen a great increase of traffic speeding down it, and is the centre of the most highly populated part of the village. Highways has not been helpful about this rat-run.

It would be a help to our cause to know how others have handled such cases successfully.

Susan Premru
