Further to letters in last week's Westmorland Gazette, Windermere town councillors were taken by surprise by the felling of the horse-chestnut tree at Queen's Square, Bowness.

Like many residents, councillors were aware that it was in a dangerous condition and needed urgent attention. Cumbria County Council (Highways Authority) had been in contact with the town council in August 2017 to ask for our comments.

The town council’s recommendations to the Highways Authority recognised the importance of health and safety for residents and visitors but they did ask that a full health condition check be performed on the tree by an independent arboriculturist and that the tree only be felled if this were the only option to protect safety.

We asked to be informed if any action were to be taken to fell the tree. This did not happen and the town council was not informed. In no sense was the town council “caught napping”.

This is a good opportunity to remind residents of Windermere and Bowness that town councillors are non-political elected local representatives.

They work tirelessly and are unpaid. They take their places in the council chamber for no reason other than that they care passionately about our town and its heritage, as any member of the public who cares to attend our twice-monthly meeting will discover.

If any residents feel they can do a better job, there are vacancies on the town council and they would be most welcome to join us, help the community and share our work.

Julie Hartley

Town Clerk