Sharing a meal with our children is one of the most fundamental aspects of our role as a parent.
Sometimes, though, mealtimes can become a battleground. As parents we need to remember that, as our children grow, mealtimes may be messy and spills will happen. Our children are learning how to behave at the table as well as honing skills such as using cutlery and drinking from cups and glasses. 
Common problems you may encounter at mealtimes are refusal to eat, come to the table or feed themselves; getting down from the table; playing with food; and eating very slowly.
To avoid conflict at mealtimes:
- Stay calm.
- Sit your children with you at the table when they are babies – this way it will become the norm for them. 
- Let children know in advance that a meal will be served, giving them time to finish a game/pause a programme.
- Have realistic expectations of your children, and guide them with your example of how to behave at mealtimes.
- Spills and dropping food should not be classed as bad behaviour. Accidents will happen – we are only human after all.
- Notice when your children are sitting down and eating well and give praise for this behaviour.
Remember, little ones find it difficult to sit in one place for long periods of time and are easily distracted. If you are having a family meal which requires your child to remain at the table, plan ahead with activities they can do while waiting for their food to arrive and after they have finished.
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