THE eternal question that every parent asks is ‘why does my child behave that way?’

As our children grow (especially during the toddler and teenage years) most children go through a phase of exploding their emotions – in other words have a tantrum - in order to get what they want.

This type of behaviour is a sign that our child/teen is overwhelmed with the way they are feeling. It’s a message to us as parents that they need us to step in somehow and help them manage these emotions a little better.

We, as parents, influence the way our children behave. We are their most powerful role model.

Having a number of strategies to cope with their behaviour can help to contain the type of behaviour you would like to see less of. Reading your child’s personality will help you identify when they are tired, hungry, overwhelmed or under stimulated as these can contribute to bad behaviour. Working as a team within the family and deciding on how to cope with certain behaviours is a good move. You all need to be immediate and consistent with your discipline strategies. If you stick to what you have said when setting a logical consequence you are more likely to see less of the behaviour you don’t like. Children need to know that the adults who care for them are in control.

Praise and recognition for all of the good behaviour you see is also a powerful tool to use when trying to redress the balance of good behaviour versus bad.


* Next week: How to agree logical consequences and family rules.