CHILDREN from a Barrow school took on two teachers in an epic water fight as a reward for all their hard work during Sats.

Pupils from all over the nation took their Key Stage 2 Sats this week, but few would have marked the end in the same way that Year 6 pupils from St Pius X Catholic School did.

The children went head to head against their headteacher Kevin McGoldrick and Year 6 teacher Tracie Roberts.

Many were armed with water pistols and water balloons taking the opportunity to get their own back on the two teachers.

10-year-old Adam Taylor said: “I really enjoyed it after all the exams we have had.

“Sats were good, but I found the reading exam tricky. It was great today though.”

11-year-old Kieran Culley said: “It really helped knowing we had this to look forward to at the end of our exams.

“I managed to get Mr McGoldrick at least seven times during the water fight.”

One of the main purposes of the water fight was to reduce the children’s anxiety about sitting the exams.

Mr McGoldrick said: “They all tried their best and we are all so proud of them.

“There has been such a nice atmosphere in school and has given the children something else to focus on other than their exams.

“As they move through life this will be one of the things they can look on back as a good time rather than just a stressful time.

“The children even played a prank on me by hiding my water gun and so this morning I had to come in and crack a code that they had created for me to find it again.

“We want the children to have positive experiences at school and to develop positive attitudes so hopefully we have achieved this.

“It is also significant that mental health awareness week fell on the same week as Sats.

"We hoped to have the water fight as a way to reduce anxiety towards their exams."

Every child in the class was also treated with their own McFlurries on Thursday after their exams.

The school also ran a breakfast club from Monday to Thursday for the children to come to before their exams to discuss any worries as well as having a nutritious start to the day. This included a healthy selection of cereals, toast and bacon butties on Thursday. On Friday the children also took part in sports activities as well as a yoga session.