I READ with some sympathy the report about the overgrown state of the land surrounding the grave of Mrs Rawley’s father in St Mary’s churchyard in Ambleside (Gazette, July 4, 'Anger at condition of Ambleside graveyard').

It has long been a tradition to keep cemeteries and graveyards looking neat and manicured and in this way we have demonstrated our respect and continued remembrance of those who have gone before us.

But, as times change and we are beginning to experience the effects of climate breakdown with dwindling numbers of plant, animal and insect species, perhaps our burial grounds could be returned to wild flower meadows and allowed to grow up for some months in the summer.

They would still require some mowing at certain times of the year and could be kept short through the winter.

I can’t help but imagine that if our parents, grandparents, great - or even great-great – grandparents knew of the present state of the world (40 per cent of insects lost in the last few decades) they would be more than happy to be part of this gentle form of regeneration.

Gillian Kelly

Founder member of Ambleside Action for a Future
