Q. Please help – I’m being both sick and have diarrhoea!

A. Norovirus is a common cause for diarrhoea and /or vomiting and is often referred to as the ‘winter vomiting bug’ because it has, historically, been more common in winter, although it can circulate throughout the year, especially when large groups gather together – such as cruise ships, hotels, etc.

Whilst it can make you feel awful, you only need to seek medical advice

• if you have signs of dehydration such as persistent dizziness/reduced consciousness;

• only passing small amounts of urine or no urine at all

• if you have bloody diarrhoea;

• if you or your child have a serious underlying condition, such as kidney disease,

• or if your symptoms haven't started to improve after a few days.

Although extremely unpleasant, sickness and diarrhoea will usually get better on its own within a week. In most cases the best thing you can do is to stay at home and get plenty of rest. It’s vital to drink lots of fluids when experiencing any vomiting or diarrhoea to avoid dehydration and you can take paracetamol to reduce any pains or fever.

Remember, sickness and diarrhoea can spread really easily to others so make sure you wash your hands with soap and water frequently whilst you are unwell – and stay off work/school for a full 48 hours after symptoms have cleared to avoid passing the infection on.

It is one of the most infectious illnesses – so don’t spread it – particularly to health professionals at your GP Practice or the hospital.