IN REPLY to John Forder (Letters, September 5, 'Baffled by prayer claims'), there seems to be a common misconception between both the faithful and those of no faith regarding God’s role in our lives and the role of prayer.

Typically God’s role is as seen as a powerful Mr Fixit. We ignore the fact he gave us the commandments. With regard to the Second World War, or any war, we break the command to love our neighbours as ourselves. We love neither God nor our neighbours if we invade their countries.

We are commanded not to envy our neighbour his possessions. We envy our neighbour’s land if we invade and appropriate his land and possessions. We are commanded not to kill. We wage war and kill.

It is presumptuous of us to ask God in our prayers to solve the problems we have created in waging war. So when it comes to prayer, I think we should be asking God to give us the wisdom, the courage and the humility to live our lives by obeying his commands and thus not creating the problems of war in the first place.

Camille Ogden
