VOTERS elect MPs at a general election and thereby allow Parliament the sovereignty to carry out the passing of laws, being the legislature.

MPs are free to make up their mind on how they vote on issues. If their electorates do not agree with their voting in Parliament, the voters can dismiss them at the next general election. However, in a referendum the voters decide what is to be done by a simple majority, as the sovereignty of the people overrides that of Parliament.

After the 2016 Brexit referendum, Parliament voted to allow the Prime Minister to invoke Article 50 of the EU Treaty and passed by a very large majority (around 75 per cent) the Withdrawal Act.

Job done? Not a bit of it. The majority of MPs have done everything in their power to stop this process happening. I see from one survey carried out that approximately a third of those who voted Remain would now vote Leave if there was a second referendum, as they are disgusted with Parliament, Bercow and the rest of those anti-democrats.

Paul Rogers
