WHEN introducing your toddler to a new baby care needs to be taken, writes CHRIS GARNER.
Firstly, deciding when you tell your toddler needs some thought, bear in mind it could be a long pregnancy if your little one is constantly asking when will our new baby be here? 
A new baby brings about change for all in the family and this might be a tricky time for your toddler, too. 
Here are some tips for making that transition as smooth as possible: 
· Keep to your toddler’s routine as much as is possible. 
· Celebrate with your toddler that they are now a big brother or sister – buy a small gift from baby. 
· Make sure you and your toddler enjoy some quality alone time together. 
· Involve your little one in helping with the baby – elicit their help in what the baby should wear, or ask 'what song should we sing to the baby?' 
· Highlight to your child why babies cry for instance – and how grown up he or she is because they have learnt to speak and can ask for what they want. 
· Talk about when they were smaller - look at photographs together and note the similarities between baby and toddler. 
If your child regresses be gentle, this occurs when a toddler unconsciously thinks that ‘mummy or daddy loves the baby, if I am a baby again, they will love me.’ This can be frustrating as a parent as this is the time when you need your child to be more independent, a little patience will go a long way at this time. 

Next week: Emotional Teens 
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