AN APPEAL to North Yorkshire residents who use vans or pick-up trucks to take household rubbish to council tips has seen more than 2,500 people register their vehicles and obtain a new pass since August 2019.

Registration is free, but without a pass residents using commercial-type vehicles would be charged to dispose of waste at household waste recycling centres, says North Yorkshire County Council.

The council is reminding others who use vans or pick-ups to apply for a pass if they are not registered, or if their existing pass is more than two years old, has expired or has no expiry date.

Ian Fielding, assistant director for transport, waste and countryside services, said: “It’s easy for customers to register for a pass using the new system, with most applications taking fewer than five minutes to complete.

"We’re delighted so many people have renewed their passes already and would urge anyone who hasn’t done so yet to do it online.”

You can apply online at