The boss of a South Lakes accountancy firm has urged anyone who needs to carry out a self assessment tax return to make it a priority.

Paul Hornby, the managing director of JF Hornby & Co in Ulverston, said anyone who falls into the self assessment category needed to put it at the top of their to-do list.

His rallying call comes at one of the busiest times of the year for his company as the team works to file hundreds of completed records to the taxman.

Mr Hornby said: “Every year, self assessment time rolls around and every year people bury their heads in the sand.

"It’s understandable - with busy work, family and social lives, for many, logging on to the HMRC website to traverse the self assessment portal is not at the top of their priorities.

“But it should be. The implications of not filing a return on time, or not paying up on time can be significant.

“The online process is not overly complex, and for those who do not have the time, a local accountant can help."

His call comes as the HMRC release the strangest excuses given to it by people who have missed deadlines.

They include: 'I was up a mountain in Wales, and couldn’t find a post box or get an internet signal'; 'My hamster ate my post'; 'I’ve been cruising round the world in my yacht, and only picking up post when I’m on dry land'; and 'My mother-in-law is a witch and put a curse on me.'

Among the questionable expense claims, all of which were rejected, included claiming £4.50 for sausage and chips meal expenses for 250 days and pet food for a Shih Tzu guard dog.

Mr Hornby added: “Please take action ahead of the deadline. This is not about JF Hornby driving business. Any accountant can help, if you find yourself struggling for time, motivation or clarity.”