The Pandemic has caused me, and so many others, to look at our lifestyles and reassess the priorities we have - so what have we learned through this and what can we do for our future?

The absence of family members due to social isolation makes me appreciate them more, so family time is really precious and should be fully enjoyed.

When communities connect up in a common goal - for example, clapping for the NHS - it is powerful and blesses everyone.

As I grieve for those who have died, I need the support of other people.

I am thankful that, even though our church buildings are closed for the time being, we are able to keep our community strong.

The online church services are attracting big audiences and more people are praying at home than ever before.

It is good to know there is still a community of believers, even though we cannot meet now.

The story of Jesus calming the storm teaches us that it is not helpful to focus on the fearful wave overdosing on the Covid 19 media output.

It is far better to fix our eyes onto our lord and saviour Jesus.

How are we caring for the most vulnerable - the elderly, those with physical illness and those isolated with mental health conditions?

We are all liable to experience mental health distress at difficult times.

We are able to offer support through showing our acceptance, our love, and our care.

In a practical way, we can make phone calls to those alone at home; make use of social media and help the vulnerable and isolated with their shopping!

Looking out for each other has now become an even stronger characteristic of our community and will surely become the bedrock of a “new normal."

Lorraine Gibbard

St Thomas’ Church
