REPORT of the Ingleton Parish Council Meeting held by Video Conference at 7pm on August 3, 2020.

2020/04936/DUTY BT Consultation on Intended Public Payphone Removal – members objected to its removal while accepting very low usage levels.

2020/21758/HH Two Storey Rear Extension 56 New Village, Ingleton Carnforth. The members supported this application.

THE Clerk reported that a new strong box had now been fitted in the lady’s toilets, replacing the one damaged in a recent break-in.

The hand wash machine had also developed an intermittent fault and was being monitored. The play area had now been power washed and Cllr. Brown had received a comment on how well it looked.

The Clerk had requested J. Morphet to keep a closer check on the play area bin, particularly at weekends.

The District Council bin men would also be checking the bins in the village more often due to the rise in visitor numbers post lockdown.

THE suggestion by a local resident for the installation of a CCTV camera on the south approach to Ingleton to control traffic speeds was discussed but it was felt that the reduction in the speed limit and a pelican crossing should be the goals of the Parish Council for better road safety in that area. It was agreed however that the AJI Road Safety grant could be applied for and if successful should be used for the purchase of speed matrix signs.

The Clerk will ascertain from Highways how much these cost before applying. Cllr. Emsley commented on the continuing motorcycle noise and discussion followed on possible measures to combat this.

The Chairman asked about noise awareness zones and possible signs raising awareness on the issue. The Clerk will research the topic.

THERE had been some emails circulated regarding bikers not wearing helmets, and a couple of accidents had occurred at the Pump Track.

Discussion followed on this; some members felt the Parish Council should consider closing the pump track if users were not prepared to abide by the clear signage requiring helmets.

The suggestion of an additional sign in the middle of the track was discussed but it was felt that it might be a hazard. However, Cllr. Gaunt felt the message of the helmets has got through as most of the bikers she saw this week were wearing helmets. She felt that sometimes the problem was adults riding without helmets and that parents should take some responsibility regarding the wearing of helmets and the condition of brakes.

THE library will be opening to the public from Monday onwards.

The fogging machine is used daily, and all appropriate signage is in place. The Covid 19 grant funding has now been transferred into the Community Centre Account. Cllr. Emsley confirmed that Ingleton Pharmacy was to extend its prescription service with volunteers to the end of August when volunteer support for those shielding would be coming to an end. The Chairman praised all those involved in a very successful endeavour.

VILLAGE Action Plan: The members were happy to confirm the sign off for the refurbishment of the Ingleton village signs. The Clerk reported to members regarding the Riverside project, RDPE confirmed that an extension had been granted for the grant application from 31 August to 31 October.

It was agreed that the Clerk should confirm acceptance of the extensions.

CLLR Emsley confirmed all allotments are full.

CLLR Lis confirmed that the planning application for the lorry park is not on the schedule for being considered at the moment. The Clerk asked regarding the recent communication from CDC on the single unitary authority, Cllr. Lis confirmed central government felt there were too many district councils and changes were being considered which would come into force 2022.

It was agreed this matter be put on the Agenda for September.

A COMPLAINT had been received from a local resident about the litter left on Thacking Lane at the end of the Waterfall Walk.

A suggestion for a bigger bin or an additional bin was considered. Cllr. Lis confirmed that we would have to pay for the extra bin and get CDC to empty it. The Clerk will check with waste management about an additional large bin. Cllr. Brown suggested the Waterfalls Walk Co. should take some responsibility, and the Chairman concurred. The Clerk should approach them to request they provide a larger bin or more litter marshals.

THE Chairman had a meeting with David Hill Management regarding the parking at the Waterfalls Walk following lockdown.

He asked if the PC would support gravelling all parking areas currently used by the Waterfalls Walk, as Yorkshire Dales National Park Association had previously not allowed them to put hard core down. It was agreed to write to YDNPA and copy this to M. Binns in support of hardcore surfacing of their car park.

AFTER discussion, the Ingleton Parish Council Code of Conduct was reviewed and found it satisfactory.

BACKGATE footpath which had been reported as obstructed, but after Cllr. Emsley had checked was not blocked although weed growth was quite high, Cllr. Gaunt had gone back to the complainant to report this.

CLLR Lis pointed out that due to the requirement that the public be included in Parish Council meetings the current restrictions mean that the Parish Council must continue to hold video meetings to conform with the law.

THE NEXT Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 7 September 2020 at 7pm.