REPORT of Ingleton Parish Council Meeting held by Video Conference on October 5 2020.

THE POLICE report had been previously circulated prior to the meeting.

Cllr Mckenzie had commented in an email to the other Councillors on the rise in thefts in the local area.

The Chairman asked for all residents to be vigilant and call the police when incidents occur.

TWO local business owners asked for greater public affirmation from the Parish Council stating support for the extension of dining areas into the road on the High Street by three local businesses.

Cllr Gaunt queried why the parking restrictions were necessary over the winter.

It was maintained by the business owners that the space was needed to make the numbers of customers served viable and was a very necessary relief to the problems of running a business with social distancing.

Cllr Gaunt had been approached by nearby shop owners and two members of the public about the reduction in parking and the possible effect on other businesses and was concerned about possible difficulties to disabled or elderly residents especially during the winter.

The Chairman suggested the removal of current restrictions on the spaces near Inglesport and Cllr Gaunt agreed that might help, and the two members of the public agreed this would be acceptable. The Parish Council fully supports local business and is well aware of the importance of attracting visitors to the area while keeping in mind the needs of residents.

THE CLERK confirmed that the annual inspection by the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) had been completed, there were some repairs needed to the surface.

The toddlers’ swing had been repaired.

RoSPA carried out their annual inspection this month and the report confirmed general good condition, a few signs of wear on tarmac to be monitored.

The inspector had commended the Parish Council on the general good condition.

COMMUNITY centre – Cllr. Gaunt commented that the arrangements at the Community Centre for the flu injections were very well organized and the Clerk will pass this on to the Centre Manager.

The Clerk reported that according to Library Services usage of the library were at 65% of pre Covid.

Since the introduction of mandatory mask wearing the Clerk regretted to report the loss of another volunteer who had difficulties with full time mask wearing.

RIVERSIDE Project - The Clerk confirmed the substance of the email received from Rima Berry at Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT).

It had become apparent that due to the project not creating new employment, YDMT maintained that this meant the grant application with the RDPE was unlikely to succeed.

It was agreed to instruct YDMT to withdraw the grant application to RDPE and continue with the necessary work of getting the project grant ready, as YDMT had advised that it was likely that funding could be accessed from other sources.

REPORTS from District, County and Parish Councillors – Cllr Lis reported that recycling dropped 43per cent due to people contaminating bins with inappropriate refuse.

He confirmed that the cost to CDC and taxpayers last month for rejected loads was £16k which was disappointing. Some funds will be available for education of the public of the subsequent cost when recycling bins are contaminated.

The Councillor also regretted to report 19 incidents of fly tipping recently which was very concerning. He emphasised that targets for recycling need to recover to previous levels.

Cllr Emsley queried the cost of pickup of large items for disposal by CDC now costing £34, Cllr. Lis confirmed that these costs are likely to remain and unfortunately necessary.

OTHER Matters - Cllr. Emsley reported on an incident of a loose dog knocking over children in field adjacent to the Pump Track and the dog owner stating her belief that the area was a ‘dog field’.

Cllr Gaunt reported that the field was well used by dog owners and many dogs were off leash and confirmed she had come across used dog bags in the stream and that there was evidence of dog waste on the field. The Chairman suggested that if people were abusing the field it should be closed. It was agreed the Clerk should write to NYCC to ask what actions they would take and consider closing off the field.

ADULT Fitness Equipment – Cllr McGonnigal had done some research on equipment and the possible costs of installing such equipment in the park, but he believed that space near the iCentre was possibly a better option.

Chairman felt we should concentrate on our current project (Riverside Project) before embarking on another.

He suggested there could be an opportunity for business engagement and sponsorship on this.

THE next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 2 November 2020 at 7pm, via Zoom.

INGLETON Swimming Pool Report and Update Autumn 2020.

This has been a very strange year for all of us and for the first time in 86 years Ingleton Swimming Pool has not been able to open, however we have taken this opportunity to upgrade, improve and to install new features.

The improvements to the entrance and new payment area will enable us to implement an approved one-way system; it will also give us a larger social and meeting area.

Our plans for the new splash feature are taking shape and will be ready for next season, also all woodwork and gutters have been replaced and buildings and fences repainted.

LOOKING back to the 2019 season, unfortunately we did not have the wonderful weather of the previous year so consequently both memberships and admissions were down, and staff costs increased which resulted in a loss of approximately £10,000.

But thanks to the great and generous support of our community with donations, grants, and jumble sale revenue we have been able to break even. Although our prices have not been increased for several years the committee will need to address this for the future.

The insurance issue for members is still unresolved if we change our insurer to achieve the cover, the fee will double.

REGRETTABLY, there was a break-in, three intruders entered the pool area and removed equipment waiting to be installed, fortunately it was too heavy to carry so they hid it in the river. The police were informed, and the equipment was recovered before the thieves could retrieve it.

In the near future the committee will take pleasure in welcoming everyone to preview our improvements and we are looking forward to a fresh and exciting start to the 2021 season.

We are planning for the worst and hoping for the best and we are determined to get back to a new normal and we thank you all for your continued support.