CROSS your fingers for clear skies over the next few nights because if the weather behaves itself we'll be able to see something very interesting - the Moon hopscotching between three planets after sunset, as it moves along its west-east track, passing through the constellations.

After sunset on the evening of October 22 you'll see the First Quarter Moon shining directly below Jupiter, low in the sky.

In fact, the pair should be close enough together for them both to fit in the same binocular field of view, making a stunning sight.

By the time the sky darkens on the following evening, October 23, the Moon will have moved away from Jupiter and will be shining to the lower left of neighbouring Saturn instead.

Saturn will look like a yellow-white star to the upper right of the Moon, too far away for both to be seen through binoculars at the same time, but still an impressive sight to the naked eye.

After sunset on October 28 the Moon will have moved far away from Jupiter and Saturn but will now be shining close to Mars, in the eastern part of the sky.

By now the Moon will be just past Full, and very bright in the sky, but not bright enough to overwhelm Mars which will look like a very bright orange star to its left.

By the following morning the Moon will be shining below Mars, as the pair set together in the west.