HERE are the latest announcements from our community news correspondent Myra McCraith for Grasmere.

KNIT and Nat crafters are now meeting in person in the Reading Rooms.

Join them for tea, crafting and friendly conversation on the second and fourth Tuesday each month (June 8 and 22, 2-4pm).

WI RAMBLERS met for a local walk among the bluebells, followed by tea in a member's garden.

At the June meeting, Sue Allen of the Wordsworth Trust will talk about the forthcoming exhibition in celebration of the 250th anniversary of Dorothy Wordsworth's birth, and discuss ways that the WI might contribute (Thursday, June 10, 2pm, on Zoom).

RUSHBEARING will remain virtual this year, via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - and a display at the Co-op.

See local notices and social media for further details nearer the time (Saturday, July 10).

Following the huge success of February's Stepping out for St Mary's which raised more than £14,000, two WI members are taking part in another fundraising challenge organised by our local hospice. Over the weekend 12-13 June they will tackle Scafell Pike by night.

Donations are very welcome via

DOVE Cottage and the Wordsworth Reimagined exhibition have reopened. Booking is essential via

The garden, woodland and cafe are open to visitors without pre-booking (Tuesday-Saturday, 10.00am - 5pm).

Poetry events remain online via Zoom, and Little Wanderers in the Woodland will encourage young children to be creative and playful outdoors (Fridays, advance booking essential).

ALLAN Bank grounds and the ground floor of the house have reopened (on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 10am -4,30pm). Local residents may apply for a free garden pass on proof of address.

To book entry (essential at weekends), please see

THE WI's nominated charity is St Mary's Hospice.