HERE are the latest announcements from our community news correspondent Kathryn Smith for Burton-in-Kendal.

Concerns from parishioners raised during the July parish council meeting included the overgrown state of Slape Lane and traffic on Main St.

The condition of Slape Lane has been reported to Cumbria Countryside Access who has responsibility for footpaths and bridle ways as the council could not be involved formally in any 'self-help' group.

A concern about traffic was of buses waiting in the Square with engines running to make up time.

This caused extra pollution and traffic congestion at the narrowest part of Main St.

The bus company would be asked if the bus could wait clear of the centre of the village.

County Cllr Bingham reported that there are now 2016 cases of COVID in Cumbria and gave other information about COVID related matters.

There were no comments about the one planning application for alterations and an extension to Plum Tree Cottage, Vicarage Lane.

Given the problem of traffic and parking in the village a sub committee comprising Cllrs Bailey, Wren and Wilson was set up.

All Cllrs agreed to have a council specific e mail account to ensure all dealings of the council were both transparent.

Further work on the PSiCA was due to start in 2/3 weeks’ time and would involve night time closures of the road on Wed and Thu nights.

Further work on the Flood Relief Scheme would be undertaken, with all work being to the west of Main St.

The council expressed great frustration at the lack of progress or at least an update on progress in resolving the issues associated with the Church Bank Gardens development.

Boon Town residents had had a meeting with the contractors on the Boon Town site, which had clarified, resolved, or at least made progress on some of the complaints.

The clerk to the council had also addressed some of the points raised in the earlier letter.

The council were still investigating the possibility of dropped kerbs and had noted that it did not receive the Infrastructure Levy for social housing schemes.