THE International Space Station (ISS) is visible in our sky again, and the good news is that you have multiple opportunities to see it each evening over the next week.

It will be crossing the sky at different times in the evening sky, so hopefully there will be a gap in the cloud-cover to allow you to see this amazing technological achievement which has now been in space for 20 years, and has been home to hundreds of different astronauts from dozens of different countries.

If you've seen the ISS before you can slip this bit and go straight to the dates and times below, but if you've never seen it before then you are looking for a bright "star" that rises in the west, arcs across the sky - from right to left as you're standing there looking at the sky - and then sets or fades from view over in the east.

The movement is the key: if you're looking at a bright light standing still in the sky that's a star or a planet, not the ISS. (Many people are mistaking the bright planet Jupiter for the ISS at the moment.

Also, the ISS doesn't flash like an airplane, or twinkle like a star, it shines with a steady light.

Go out on the following dates, just before the times given, and face the west.

Eventually you'll see a "star" rising up from the horizon, heading left.

This will be the ISS. Some "passes" are higher and brighter than others, but even the fainter, lower passes are fascinating to watch when you realise you're looking at a real life spaceship, with a crew of astronauts onboard, flying through the constellations at 17,000 mph.

  • DATE: 20th: TIMES: 18:50
  • DATE: 21st: TIMES: 18:04 and 19:38
  • DATE: 22nd: TIMES: 17:16 and 18:52
  • DATE: 23rd: TIMES: 18:05 and 19:39
  • DATE: 24th: TIMES: 17:17 and 18:53
  • DATE: 25th: TIMES: 18:05 and 19:40
  • DATE: 26th: TIMES: 17:17 and 18:53