It looks very much like the 2022 Noctilucent Cloud Season is over, at least for UK observers.

There have been no displays visible for almost a week now, and measurements taken from orbit suggest that conditions in the very high altitude part of the atmosphere where NLC appear are now not conducive to their formation.

It's still possible that there might be a late show or too, but if they do appear they will probably be faint, and low, and diffuse, and nowhere near as dramatic or beautiful as the displays we saw last month.

So, it looks like that's it for another year.

Looking back it was a satisfactory season, but not a thrilling one.

We were able to see maybe half a dozen bright displays from here in Cumbria, but they were poor compared to those of previous years, with no NLC "storms" that filled the whole northern sky with streamers, whirls and sworls of electric blue light, which was a shame, but that's just the way it goes.

What else can you see "up there" now?

If you see a train of bright stars moving across the sky, more than 30 of them in a line, looking like tracer fire in a war film, don't worry, we're not being invaded.

These will be a newly-launched batch of "Starlink" satellites, launched by one of Elon Musk's Falcon rockets and on their way up into Earth orbit. Starlinks are basically wifi routers, which will allow people in remote areas to connect to the internet.

That sounds like a great idea, but with more than 2000 already in orbit and plans for a "mega-constellation" of tens of thousands of them moving ahead there is a lot of concern that they will not just hinder the work of professional astronomers but ruin the night sky for everyone, changing its very appearance.

I think so too, and don't encourage people to look for them for that reason. But it's important people know what they are when they see them.