ACTION toward making South Lakeland a carbon neutral county has been taken by the council.

Since 2019, the authority has been using its Climate Change Action Plan to work towards its targets of a carbon neutral council by 2030, and a carbon neutral district by 2037.

South Lakeland District Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 which triggered the action.

Through work to reduce its emissions, capital projects and work in the community, progress has been made towards both targets and SLDC is encouraged by the action taking place across the district.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from South Lakeland District Council as an organisation have more than halved from 5,259 tonnes in 2010 to 2,476 tonnes in 2019/20 and a further decrease of 15 per cent was seen in 2020/21 to 2,097 tonnes.

Councillor Dyan Jones, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action, and Biodiversity said: “Since South Lakeland District Council declared a climate emergency in 2019, our commitment to the importance of mitigation and adaptation continues.

“An important element of how we reduce our impact on the environment, support our economy, and proactively come together is at the heart of our climate action plan - an action plan that was created following public meetings across the district.

“Challenge and opportunity is core to delivering and supporting others to do more together. To think globally, act locally. I am delighted to see action with others turning possibility into reality.

“Thank you to all those who are engaged in making South Lakeland the best place to live, work and play.”

Changes have included reducing emissions at council buildings through the use of modern building fabrics and green roofs.

As well as this, a series of energy-efficiency measures have been delivered in council buildings such as insulation, LED lighting and draught proofing.

The council have also been supporting the Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) Cold to Cosy project, which delivers energy efficiency measures and advice to residents.