THERE are things I did in my childhood that, until this week, I believed I was alone in.

Ok so not many people will have dressed up their cat and made her sit in a pram but at least I wasn’t the only one who thought I was the presenter of a cookery show.

My colleague Gillian - a famous foodie in these parts - was telling me this week how ‘Him Indoors’ had taken the unusual step of cooking dinner one night.

She described how he had prepared all the ingredients beforehand, putting the various spices in little dishes and so on, and I was taken back to my youth when I would bake a cake infront of an imaginary camera, in a Delia Smith inspired cookery programme. I’d even do my hair and borrow my mum’s red lipstick to ensure my dedicated viewers saw me at my best.

Although Gillian insists ‘Him Indoors’ didn’t pretend to be a presenter (or wear lipstick) while making tea, others in the office looked a little bashful when I asked around.

Indeed a quick poll of Gazette Towers discovered some amusing little routines.

After a bit of coaxing Gillian admitted to using her mum’s upright hoover as a microphone stand and belting out Abba hits into the plug.

Farming correspondant Daniel, meanwhile, believed his family were the subject of a 24-7 TV programme (think The Truman Show), and imagined the credits rolling and soundtrack playing as he walked down the street.

Keen sportsman and news editor Mike used to commentate on his own running as he took to the fells, while his desk-mate Rachel would line up her dolls and teach them.

Even some of my less well-mannnered traits are not unique to me. At least three of my colleagues would also chew the paper case after eating a bun, moulding it into a doughy blob inside the mouth before disposing of it when mum wasn’t watching.

I couldn’t get anyone else to confess to chewing a slice of bread then shaping the sticky results into a new, mini loaf like I did (disgusting wasn’t I) but one chap did used to beg his mother for potato peelings, then sit at the kitchen table devouring them.

As I sit and write this I am eating a satsuma, my enjoyment all the better because I am following my special routine of pulling the fruit into two halves, then eating a segment off each until it’s all gone. Ever since I was little I have eaten satsumas and tangerines this way.

Write in and let me know your quirks, I bet you’ve got plenty.