THREE men braved the ice cold waters of the river Kent on New Year's Day.

Paul Duncan, John Pedder and Callum Anderson took the plunge in the annual St.

John Ambulance river walk.

Mr Duncan said: "This was the coldest it has been for some years, and it definitely separated the tough from the toughest."

Mr Pedder, who has 12 years of river walking behind him, said: "It was absolutely freezing.

There weren't many willing to take on the challenge this year, and at times it was only the thought of the money we were raising for the various charities that kept us going."

The river walkers entered the Kent close to Miller Bridge and made their way over the salmon trap and on to the St.

John's Ambulance centre near Victoria Bridge.

"The event was originally set up to raise funds and promote the St.

John Ambulance in Kendal, but is now also seen as a feat of endurance," said Mr Pedder.