During the COVID-19 lockdown many more people than usual have been walking around our towns and villages.

We have all tried to maintain the required two metres 'social distancing'.

The pavements and footways are becoming increasingly narrow because of overgrowing hedges and trees.

This makes it difficult to walk along whilst supporting an elderly or infirm person at the best of times.

Even walking alone there are times when one has to duck or move towards the road to avoid vegetation which is sometimes up to three quarters of the way across pavements.

Please can homeowners, tenants, businesses and public bodies who have any growth from their property cut it back to within their curtilage.

Can people on bikes ride on the left hand side of the road and not on pavements?

Vehicle drivers please don’t park on pavements even for the shortest of times.

Both of these actions are illegal.

One day the police may wake up to this instead of letting anarchy rule.

At this time we all need the widest possible space to walk. Please give us back our pavements.

R Wood
